Meet Our Board of Directors!
Our Board of Directors currently has six members. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month and we are always interested in growing our team! If you are interested in joining the board, please email us at:
Learn more about each of our board members:
Sharon Mason-Boersma, President
Sharon Mason-Boersma, MSSW, is currently retired and worked in the field of social work for over 30 years. Much of her social work experience took place in rural communities in Dane County where she saw firsthand the need for transportation services for many of the clients she served. Sharon has been a board member of Stoughton ATP since implementation began in 2012. She also holds positions on various local boards and committees related to social justice issues. Over the years of being connected with Stoughton ATP, Sharon has seen the positive difference it can make for those in need of transportation to important appointments for services.
Lamarr V. Gibson, Treasurer & Secretary
Lamarr is a founding board member and former volunteer of Stoughton United Ministries, now known as the Stoughton Affordable Transportation Program. Currently serving as both the Treasurer and Secretary for Stoughton ATP, Lamarr records, archives and distributes minutes of annual and monthly board meetings. He also oversees the financial affairs for Stoughton ATP, including keeping financial records, reporting this information to the board, and compiling and reporting statistics on program performance. Lamarr is currently retired after serving churches in Michigan and Wisconsin as an ordained clergy of the United Methodist Church for over thirty years. In addition to his service for Stoughton ATP, Lamarr was also a founding member and past President of the Free Clinic (formerly Shalom Clinic) in Stoughton, a board member of the Stoughton Area Resource Team, a member of City of Stoughton Joining Forces for Families Committee, and a board member and former Treasurer for the Association of Spiritual Caregivers (Meriter Hospital). Lamarr’s favorite thing about the Stoughton community is the strong spirit of volunteerism present here.
Lisa Olson, Board Member
Lisa is the Factotum or “jack of all trades” for Stoughton ATP. Lisa has served on the Stoughton ATP Board of Directors for three years. In addition to this, she is a twenty-year member of the Stoughton American Legion Auxiliary and currently serves as the Treasurer and Membership Chairman. She also serves as the Treasurer and Membership Chairman of the VFW Auxiliary. She has been instrumental in coordinating the Stoughton Memorial Day Parade and Program for many years.
Lisa graduated from UW-Oshkosh with a BS in Lower Elementary Education, and worked as a preschool teacher in a home-based program for low-income families and children. She has also worked in administrative positions at various businesses and retired in 2019 from a twenty-year career at Waste Management of Wisconsin. She now enjoys the volunteer opportunities that she is involved in to help the Stoughton community and Veterans.
Robert Stechschulte, Board Member & Volunteer Driver
Robert is retired from a Human Resources position at the U.S. District Court in Madison. He began volunteering his time as a driver for Stoughton ATP in 2018. He later Joined the Board of Directors and serves as the Employee Liaison. He also currently ushers at the Opera House and serves as a poll worker for the City of Stoughton. Robert has served the Stoughton community as a driver for RSVP and a volunteer for the Stoughton Food Pantry, and has held several volunteer positions at St. Ann Catholic Parish in Stoughton. Robert and his wife, Connie, enjoy being part of the Stoughton community with its many opportunities and activities.
Kaylee L.S. Peters, Board Member
Kaylee serves on the Board of Directors as the Community Outreach Liaison. She focuses on website updates, community newsletters (and other written communications), as well as fundraising and community engagement opportunities. She is also excited to learn more about grant writing. Kaylee has a degree in English Literature (Creative Writing focus) from UW-Madison and her teaching licensure from UW-Whitewater. She has an extensive history of volunteer work including outreach and workshop leadership at the UW-Madison Campus Women’s Center, translating multiple years for Toys for Tots, and over a decade of fundraising for Wisconsin wetlands conservation. Kaylee’s favorite aspect of Stoughton is the school district, as she was fortunate to first be introduced to the community as a student teacher at the high school before moving here.
Josh Phillips, Board Member
Josh is the newest member of the Board of Directors. In the past, he has volunteered for Habitat for Humanity, Adult Adaptive Fitness (fitness programs for people with disabilities), and spent time volunteering in a local Onalaska nursing home. After graduating from UW-La Crosse with a degree in Psychology, Josh joined the Stoughton community, where he works as a branch manager at Summit Credit Union. He enjoys the close-knit feel and sense of town pride within the Stoughton community, and he is looking forward to further supporting residents through Stoughton ATP.
Richard Hoffman, Transportation Coordinator & Volunteer Driver Coordinator
While not on the board, Richard is vital to Stoughton ATP. He is employed as our Transportation Coordinator and Volunteer Driver Coordinator. Formerly, Richard served in the military and subsequently settled in Stoughton, where he retired as Executive Vice President of the Stoughton State Bank. Richard is extremely skilled in grant writing and has helped Stoughton ATP secure numerous grants. He has served the Stoughton community in a multitude of ways including serving as President of the Chamber of Commerce, President of the Rotary Club, President of the Stoughton Hospital Board, and Chairman of the United Way Community. Richard has over sixteen years of experience coordinating rides in Stoughton. He volunteered as a driver with RSVP for many years, eventually becoming the Stoughton Coordinator of the RSVP Driver/Rider Program, and he is currently completing his fifth year as Board President of RSVP of Dane County. He has served as the Transportation Coordinator and Volunteer Driver Coordinator for Stoughton ATP for nearly ten years. Richard says he is very fortunate to be able to help those in need in our community and to be associated with some of Stoughton’s finest drivers.
Sharon Folbrecht, Part-Time Assistant to the Transportation Coordinator
Born in Portage, WI and raised by her family in Stoughton, Sharon graduated from Stoughton High School, received a Bachelor's Degree from UW-Platteville, and a Master's Degree in Social Work from UW-Madison. Always having a strong compassion for wanting to provide services and resources in helping to care for those in need, Sharon worked in the fields of Probation and Parole, Child Protective Services, and in the area of medical care in Madison, Wisconsin, as well as in the states of Arizona and California. More recently, Sharon worked in our own Neighborhood Free Health Clinic as the Program Director. Focusing on providing case management services, she helped with those who were particularly afflicted with mental health issues and concerns. Locally, Sharon has volunteered for multiple community nonprofit organizations, including as a former board member for Stoughton ATP, and serves as a poll worker for the City of Stoughton. Believing in the mission of Stoughton ATP for helping people receive safe, reliable transportation services, Sharon helps with focusing on community needs and supports both ATP drivers and riders.
*Honorable Mentions to Former Board Members:
Linda Muller
Dorothy Petersen
Julie Nygaard
Steve Tryon
Helen Johnson
Mark Priebe